Robbing Centaurs Book Review

5/5 stars - super fun start to a fantasy series

Robbing Centaurs And Other Bad Ideas by Bethany Meyer is exactly what you expect from the title- craziness and fun. The main characters, Archer and Wick, have a great buddy dynamic. In fact, it is the natural and compelling characters/character dynamics that made me give Robbing Centaurs a five-star review. That being said, the plot was still pretty darn good. In a strange (and very random) way, it made me think of if Percy Jackson was mashed together with Tangled. (Stay with me here.) Robbing Centaurs is the type of story that middle-grade, young adult, and adult audiences can enjoy. It's light and funny but also has realistic stakes. And, yes, Archer's unfillable bag makes me think of Flynn Rider's satchel, but that is not the only reason I'm comparing it to Tangled! Robbing Centaurs has the same type of silly (in a good way), family-friendly humor as both Tangled and Percy Jackson (also, the chapter titles are amazing and PJO-esque).

Not only were the characters good, but the mythical creatures in Robbing Centaurs were quite interesting. I especially enjoyed learning about the leshy (the species Wick is). The conversations between Wick and Archer about food really added depth to Meyer's worldbuilding. 

In summary, Robbing Centaurs And Other Bad Ideas is not just a fun read- it's a good read that takes readers on a journey through a well-developed fantasy land (and involves a lot of poorly planned heists). So, if the title of this book intrigues you, go ahead and get it. It will not disappoint.