Reroute Book Review

3/5 Stars - Cute, but not for me.

*Thank you, M.J. Padgett, for giving me an ARC of Reroute in exchange for an honest review.*

Reroute by M.J. Padgett is a clean, grumpy x sunshine romantic comedy. I've enjoyed several of Padgett's fantasy books and have recently started getting into rom-coms, so I was excited to have the opportunity to read Reroute. Unfortunately, while there were parts that I enjoyed, overall, Reroute wasn't really for me.

I really like the concept of Reroute and think that avid grumpy x sunshine fans would greatly enjoy this book. I personally didn't connect with the characters, which made it difficult for me to get invested in their relationship. I also felt that some parts moved too quickly and/or easily (which I wasn't a fan of, but I imagine some readers would really appreciate it).

As I said before, there were parts that I enjoyed. A big chunk of the book takes place at a mystery writer's conference, which was a lot of fun (and I won't spoil anything, but the squirrel and pepper spray scenes were both fantastic).

So, while Reroute wasn't for me, I imagine fans of light and funny rom-coms would eat it up. It was definitely a cute book, so if you're in the market for a sweet and clean story that won't break your heart, check out Reroute by M.J. Padgett.